目前 依空法師主講《大智度論》共有三套:
大智度論Ⅰ、大智度論 Ⅱ、大智度論 III,歡迎選購。
The Mahaprajnaparamita SastraⅢ
Lecturer: Venerable Yi Kong
般若為導 五度為伴
若無般若 五度如盲
依俗得真諦 依真得解脫
善不善法中 生死及涅槃
定實真有法 於中莫生疑
聲聞法中道觀行 大乘法中度眾生
以諸善根攝其中 摩訶般若波羅蜜
The Mahaprajnaparamita Sastra is an exegesis treatise ofTheMahaprajnaparamita Sutra,which an important treatise of Mahayana Buddhism.Legend goes that wrote by Nagarjuna (c. 150 – c. 250 CE).This treatise hailed as Encyclopedia of Buddhism,what is more precision views on“Nothing has a nature of its own and illusory existence”,therefore calls “King of Treatises”.Except expounds the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra,it cited great quantity the Sutras,Vinaya,Abhidharma of the three divisions of the Buddhist canon,to clarify Mahayana Bodhisattva Thought and Practice of Religious in The Six Paramitas.For literature or practice,it has very high reference value and far-reaching impact on Chinese Buddhism.