楞嚴經 (6)
Shurangama Sutra (6)
Lecturer:Venerable Yung Ben
精真妙明 本覺圓淨
知妄所起 說妄因緣
Refined, real, wonderful and bright, original enlightenment is perfect and pure.
He knows how ignorance arises, and speaks of the causal condition of ignorance.
忽然超越 世出世間
十方圓明 獲二殊勝
He transcends all of a sudden the worldly and other-worldly.
Perfect and bright, he has obtained twofold extraordinaryness.
一切眾生性清淨 從本無生無可滅
即此身心是幻生 幻化之中無罪福
All beings are pure in nature, which originally is neither produced nor ceases.
This body and mind were produced in illusion, and so are without any sins or blessings.